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Rotary Valve

Automatically & Continuously Transfers Dust from the Hopper to the Conveying System or Collection Container

Modern Filters cast iron rotary valve has internally machined surfaces that permit free movement of the impeller whilst maintaining an airtight seal.

Rotary valve are used as an airlock feeder valve at the bottom of pressurised vessels ( both negative & positive )such as dust collectors, cyclones & hoppers. Rotary valves are used for wood dust & shavings, paper, animal feed and cereals, plastics and many other free flowing products.

They are fabricated in 3mm black plate and painted and have a rotational speed of 20 rpm. Rotary Valves have 6blades with rubber tips and have a bearing at one end and a gear box & motor mounted directly on the other end.The approximate capacity of a rotary valve is calculated at 50% full when used under dust collectors, cyclones etc.When used as a rotary feeder under hoppers, the rate can be increased to 80-90% of total capacity.

Rotary valve
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